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German Automotive Industry Employees Hold Top Position in E-mobility Skills

Employees in the German automotive industry are better qualified in e-mobility than employees in other Western countries. This is a finding by EconPol Europe researchers using data from the career network LinkedIn. In the German automotive industry, 6.2 percent of the employees on the online platform have skills in e-mobility. In the Italian automotive industry, the figure is 4.6 percent; in the US, 3.7 percent; in France, 3.3 percent; and in Spain, 2.4 percent. All values are based on employees’ self-reported data from 2023.

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ifo President Clemens Fuest Sees Need for Improvements in EU Debt Rules

The President of the ifo Institute, Clemens Fuest, sees a need for improvement in the European Commission’s plans for debt rules in the EU. “Reform should focus on fiscal discipline and member states’ national ownership. In the Commission’s current proposal, this is only partly the case,” Fuest says. Allowing more debt when states give greater weight to EU policy priorities in their budgets might conflict with the goal of sustainable fiscal policy, he explained in an essay in the new EconPol Forum.

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Deutsche im Mittelfeld mit einem Homeoffice Tag pro Woche

Deutschland liegt mit durchschnittlich 1,0 Tagen Homeoffice pro Woche im Mittelfeld in Europa. In Österreich sind es 0,8 Tage. Mehr von zuhause wird in Unternehmen im Vereinigten Königreich gearbeitet (1,5 Tage), Frankreich und Italien liegen mit 0,6 und 0,7 Tagen deutlich darunter. In anderen westlichen Ländern liegt Kanada mit 1,7 Tagen vorne, gefolgt von den USA mit 1,4 Tagen. In Australien arbeiten die Beschäftigte durchschnittlich 1,3 Tage von zuhause.

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les Français travaillent en moyenne 0,6 jour par semaine depuis leur domicile

Avec une moyenne de 0,6 jour par semaine, la France se classe parmi les nations les moins adeptes du télétravail en Europe. Elle partage ce choix avec l'Italie (également 0,6 jour par semaine). Les salariés allemands et britanniques sont davantage enclins à travailler depuis chez eux (1,0 et 1,5 jour respectivement). Le Canada mène le peloton des pays occidentaux comptant les télétravailleurs les plus assidus (1,7 jour). Aux États-Unis, les salariés travaillent depuis leur domicile en moyenne 1,4 jour par semaine.

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People in the United States Work 1.4 Days per Week from Home on Average

In the United States, the average time spent working from home is 1.4 days per week. In the United Kingdom, employees work from home for 1.5 days per week on average. In Australia, the average is 1.3 days. The leader among the English-speaking countries is Canada, at 1.7 days per week. In other Western countries, people spend much less time working from home. The average in Germany is 1.0 days, while in France and Italy, it is just 0.6 and 0.7 days per week. This is the finding of a survey of full-time employees conducted by the ifo Institute in a total of 34 countries.

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